“Hello! My name is [name] from [company]. I’m calling because I noticed you’re looking to streamline your meetings and conferences. We have an advanced platform that can help you. Can I take minutes to walk you through how it works and what benefits you’ll get?” Ask more Use questions in your scripts to quickly get the information you need: “Hello, is this [name]? I’m from [company name]. Do you have a minute? I know you’re busy, but I’d like to briefly tell you how we help [description of target audience] with [problem you solve].
You might be interested in this, too.stions to see if our offer is a good fit?” Substitution strategy You can set the conversation up for a trusting conversation right away by announcing up indonesia number list front that you’re not selling anything. “Hello! This is [name] from [company]. I understand you’re busy, so I’ll keep it brief. I’m not trying to sell you anything, I’d just like to discuss how we can be of service to each other in [context of purpose of call].
” Build mutual understanding Start a cold call by using your prospect’s name and introducing yourself briefly, then move on to the purpose of the call. “Hello, [name of person]! I’m [your name] from [company]. I’d like to talk to you about , which can help you increase your sales. Is Wednesday around a.m. a good time to discuss this?” Genuine interest in the product It’s important to “fall in love” with what you’re offering. This will help you sound natural and convincing. “Hi, I’m [name] from [company].