How SoundCloud royalties work through Symphonic

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How SoundCloud royalties work through Symphonic

Post by aminaas1575 »

Let's say a record label advances an advance to an artist for several projects. With our tool, the label can recover this advance on the artist's various releases. At the same time, the system ensures that all collaborators, such as session musicians or guest singers, receive their payments immediately, without being affected by the recovery of the artist's advance.

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Managing a single with multiple collaborators
Let’s say a record label has a single featuring multiple artists and producers. Each contributor has different contractual terms for recoupment. With our recoupment tool, the label can easily set up a first-dollar recoupment for key contributors (such as the lead artist or a high-profile featured artist) who are paid from the first dollar earned, while the others are recouped differently.


This flexibility ensures fair and transparent financial arrangements at all times.

Fair and transparent financial management for artists and producers
Artists and producers who collaborate frequently can also benefit from clear and transparent financial agreements. Whether it’s splitting expenses for a music video or calculating payments for a collaborative project, the tool’s ability to handle a variety of scenarios ensures that all parties are treated fairly and paid according to agreed terms.
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