A few hours ago, and through the official blog of the “Larry network” , Twitter announced that tweets in some languages (on some accounts) will double their number of characters.
As you can read in the post on this social network, the main reason is that there are Asian languages such as Japanese, Chinese or Korean that can contain twice as much meaning in the current 140 characters than other widely spread languages such as Spanish or French.
To make this change possible, a thorough study has been carried out which shows that a large majority of tweets have been edited to not exceed the stipulated limit. By comparing languages, they come to the conclusion that those sent in Asian languages have 15 characters, while in other languages such as English, they require more than double that, 34 to be exact:
acquiring , as Julio Trujillo rightly commented . Companies that provide tourist services/products or promote destinations are betting on information, and they do so list of telegram users in israel by studying the tastes, the recurring trips of potential passengers, the dates when they usually take vacations or days off, and a long etcetera, in order to then process this information, convert it into knowledge and carry out totally focused strategies.
Another aspect discussed in the session was the boom in the tourism sector itself. Álvaro López provided us with an article confirming 2017 as one of the best years in Spain in terms of visits. However, July marked the historical record for the number of tourists in Spain, exceeding 10.5 million foreign visitors.
As I said at the beginning, this change is being tested in some countries and with some accounts, to see how it works and to make decisions about expanding the number of characters. This expansion would obviously leave out Asian languages, since they do not require a larger number at the moment.
If there is one thing that has set Twitter apart from other social networks, it is the creativity and ability to synthesize its messages. Not everyone would be in favor of this “big” change, however, we are talking about doubling the current number of characters.