When the source of your consumer data is your consumers themselves, this minimizes the risk of acquiring wrong, outdated, or misleading information. There’s no middleman. Your customer is handing you their data directly. Other approaches can get you a larger and more diverse set of consumer data, but a smaller set of highly-accurate, up-to-date, and relevant data is always more valuable. Data quality and accuracy is the foundation of smart decision-making, which is vital for any business.
And if you apply a zero-party brazil whatsapp number list data approach the right way, you can get the best of both worlds (quantity and quality). This accuracy aspect is super important for email marketing and email newsletters. and your content quality can lead people to you, email marketing needs accurate personal data. This means data like name, active email address, interests, etc. Just think about it… How many people can “accidentally” visit your email newsletters compared to your website or Instagram page? Better Customer Experience Every brand on Earth wants to provide the best possible experience for their audience.
Since it’s consumer-focused, this is another area where the zero-party data approach comes in handy. 81% of consumers are willing to share their personal information in exchange for personalization (personalized content, help, experiences, etc. ). For example, personalized emails have a 23% average open rate and a 3% click-through rate compared to 22% and 6% (respectively) for non-personalized emails. When you listen to people and get the input directly from them, you’re better equipped to create and deliver exactly what they want.