Important citation rules

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Important citation rules

Post by [email protected] »

inal parts of the text are often too voluminous, which can affect the check of the article for plagiarism.

An alternative to a direct quotation is a paraphrase (indirect quotation), i.e. retelling someone else's thought. This is convenient if you need to present generalized information when referring to several sources at once or if you need to briefly outline the content of a theoretical concept with the results of research to which the author refers.

In the text, a paraphrase looks like "a retelling of the source text in other words." The design is very simple, like a classic direct quote. The difference is that the author conveys the information in his own words. But at the end of the thought, the ordinal number of the source is also given in square brackets.

For example, you can begin an indirect quotation poland number for whatsapp with the words “the author (initials and last name) believes that…”, then retell the necessary thought, and at the end refer to the source number in the list of references at the end of the article.

When using information as a quotation, it is important to ensure that the passage is not too short or too long. Information from critical literature should either confirm or complement the opinion expressed when writing his scientific article. A quotation shows the development of thought, separates the researcher's ideas from others, and helps to understand what the author relied on when working on his article. It is assumed that the author agrees with what is quoted, except for moments when a polemical clause is placed before the quotation.

Other important rules for formatting citations in scientific work:

According to the rules, the author's initials are indicated first in a citation, followed by the last name. If there are several authors of the cited work, they are listed in the same order as indicated in the original source.
If several sources are cited, they are listed in chronological (not alphabetical) order in brackets.
It is better not to begin a paragraph or sentence with a quote.
When citing several works by one author published in the same year, each of them is assigned a letter designation, which is also taken into account in the list of references.

Formatting a quotation without attribution
A citation without a reference to the author is also possible. This applies to cases when you have to refer to sources where instead of the author there is an editorial board, editors, or a group of authors. This often happens when citing encyclopedias, reference books, and textbooks. Then, in accordance with the rules for formatting citations, the first word of the source name is indicated, followed by an ellipsis and a comma, and then the year of publication.
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