Search query – A word or phrase that a search engine user uses to search for something. E.g: “Beijing travel deals.”
An ad may be shown when their search query matches one of your keywords.
Bid – The maximum amount the advertiser will pay for a given keyword (for their ad being clicked).
Cost-per-click – The cost charged to the advertiser for one user clicking on one of their ads, which is equal to or lower than the bid (for any given click).
There are several different types of ads you can place on Baidu, but it’s easy to get started with simple text and image ads.
Let’s take a look at a search result for “cloud servers.” The elements in the purple boxes are ads. That’s a lot of ads, right?!
In general, up to the first five results might be ads. Ads are what is whatsapp number in philippines often shown on the bottom and side too. But, from time-to-time, Baidu will even show ads in between organic results.

Text Ads (Images Optional)
Text ads contain three lines:
Title – with up to 25 Chinese characters (or 50 English letters).
Description line one – with up to 40 Chinese characters.
A second description line – the same length as the first.
The domain name
Although images are optional, we recommend always using one. Ads with images tend to perf