The pitch development indonesia mailing list technique does not imply individual approaches. It is necessary to create a universal text that can be presented to different business areas.
If potential interlocutors are owners of construction companies, you don’t need to talk about your abilities in fine arts. In this case, universal skills in the field of design are necessary, which can be useful in any sphere of business.

Important: when developing an elevator pitch, you cannot touch on topics such as religion and politics. In addition, there should be no moments that touch on people's appearance, shortcomings and their age. The pitch should have a positive focus. After reading a short presentation, the listener should have a desire to calculate their benefits, and not sign up for a service.
Haste is the enemy of creating the most effective elevator pitch. Write out all the most important information first, and then gradually eliminate the unimportant facts.
It is advisable to let the resulting text of the short presentation “sit” for some time (a couple of days). After that, it should be assessed with a fresh look and edited again. Now the finished pitch should be read aloud at a medium pace. There is no need to rush or stretch out the phrases. At the same time, time it to understand whether the short presentation fits into 30 seconds. If the elevator pitch is longer, you will have to work on it.