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Analysis of eNPS survey results

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 8:20 am
by Mimakte
ing organized the survey and figured out how to calculate eNPS, it is important to correctly interpret the results. The employee loyalty index can range from -100 to +100. This is what needs to be analyzed. What does the calculated eNPS index show?

Low scores (from -100 to 0) indicate that the company has significant problems with employee loyalty. Further research is needed to determine the reasons for this.

The average value (from 1 to 50) shows potential for improvement. A more in-depth analysis of staff responses is required to identify options for further development.

A high eNPS (from 51 to 100) can be considered a success, but not a reason to relax. It is important to find out by what criteria employees consider your company an attractive place to work, and find an option to improve the overall situation.

Gallup International research has shown that companies singapore business mailing list that conduct eNPS employee surveys are 21% more effective than competitors that do not use this method. In addition, these organizations have a 22% lower turnover rate. These statistics confirm the effectiveness of eNPS as a tool for HR analytics.

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What eNPS score can be considered normal?
The eNPS loyalty index does not have a “norm” that is the same for all types of business. It is necessary to monitor it dynamically. In specific areas of activity, the results of tracking employee loyalty will differ. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the error caused by the level of honesty of respondents and the characteristics of the audience.

The optimal scenario is when the eNPS index improves from one calculation period to the next or remains at an acceptable level.

Of course, a negative employee loyalty indicator (the number of interested employees is less than those who criticize the company) should be considered a bad result. It is necessary to take appropriate measures to increase the attractiveness of the company for employees and candidates for vacant positions.

What eNPS score can be considered normal?


It should be taken into account that in practice there are companies for which a negative eNPS value is the norm.

At the same time, some well-known brands that systematically work to increase the employee loyalty index achieve results of 70% and higher.

How to improve eNPS
Increasing the eNPS index is a continuous process that includes a system of planned activities and constant monitoring of their implementation.

Below are five interrelated stages that allow you to achieve positive dynamics in your employee loyalty indicator in a short period of time:

Explore suggestions from skeptical employees and those who criticize the company's work

The initial stage of the eNPS improvement program is related to the analysis of suggestions from critics and skeptics among the workforce, which are received through feedback channels or anonymous comments. It is necessary to analyze the reasons for employee dissatisfaction and take measures to eliminate them. In this way, skeptical critics can be turned into those who will promote the company's values.

Develop a list of metrics to improve employee loyalty index

There are a few key factors that need to be addressed first. This list may include the following metrics:

managerial competencies (to assess this criterion, an anonymous survey of employees can be conducted);

salary level, working conditions and comfort when working at the enterprise;

quality of internal communications;

distribution of workload among staff;

awareness of employees about motivational systems, bonuses and social benefits provided by the company;

management's attentiveness to staff requests in "special conditions".

Explore the causes of dissatisfaction

It is important for every manager to establish the reasons for their subordinates' dissatisfaction. The data from an anonymous online survey will help to understand this. Such reasons may include working conditions, insufficiently thought-out business processes, or lack of prospects for career growth.

How to improve eNPS


Once problem areas have been identified, they should be discussed at staff meetings and in personal meetings with employees.

Organize meetings and workshops aimed at collecting suggestions for improving the eNPS index

Such events provide ample opportunities to gather ideas aimed at improving the work of a department or enterprise and solving existing problems.

Take planned actions and report on the results received.

It is not enough to simply carry out the planned actions to improve eNPS. In addition, it is necessary to provide employees with access to new information. It is necessary to report on the progress made, on the intermediate indicators and the achieved results during team meetings. In a situation where the measures taken did not contribute to solving the identified problems, it is necessary to return to the previous stage and resume the process of collecting employee suggestions.

Here is a general list of recommendations aimed at increasing staff loyalty.

It is necessary to achieve conditions under which it will be as easy as possible for employees to recommend the company . Here, such tools as printed materials, brand media, and referral programs for selecting candidates for vacancies can bring results.

Solve problematic issues faster . You can take temporary measures during the transition period until major improvements are implemented.

It is necessary to involve managers of all departments . It is necessary to make sure that managers of all levels are interested in increasing the eNPS index. Practice shows that 70-80% of staff loyalty is determined by managers.

Systematic monitoring of the eNPS indicator is necessary . This index is formed over a long period of time and is constantly in dynamics. It is necessary to set up stable feedback to clarify, evaluate, analyze and improve the eNPS metric. For example, this task can be solved by constantly conducting surveys.