Once we arrive at the result that is closest to what we are looking for, we can download the statistic in various formats: as a pdf, an Excel sheet, an image or a PowerPoint slide.
Another useful thing you can find on Statista are infographics. Infographics are a visual representation of data , they are usually more colorful and more impactful for the audience. To have this type of statistic we will type our topic again and search just like before by checking the search only on infographics.
A positive note of Statista is that it is possible to find a large amount of data, one that can be negative is that it is paid . To have access to the statistics you need a company account and the egyptian phone numbers price is quite high. It goes from 199 euros per month for basic use, up to 869 euros per month for full access to the data. however, you will be able to have some insights on the topic, in our case for example we will have some more details regarding the States that are the largest producers of avocados.
Glimpse is an implementation of Google Trends. With this extension, you can transform the experience of browsing online trends and viral content in a simple way . To understand how it works, we searched for Donald Trump's search trend.
In the section above, you can compare your search term with another. Then filter by a specific geographic region or time period, and even optimize your search based on categories defined by Google such as clothing, literature, sports, entertainment, and more.
Below is the graph showing the monthly search volume over a defined period of time, in our case over the last 5 years. Here we see how many users searched for the former American president. October and November 2020 and then suffered a downward peak. We then see how the trend is currently growing and it is possible, with the Expert plan, to have the forecast of searches for the next year with a precision of 91%.