Think about it like when you search for a hotel

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Think about it like when you search for a hotel

Post by rakibhasanbd4723 »

and you see the hotel images, and you think like, okay, this is the vibe they're going for with the swimming pool, and then you see the actual like user images, and maybe they're not exactly as shiny as the other ones, but you can still find the balance in between.

So I think that when users are using the AI cambodia number tools as a search engine, it means that they're going to expect user-generated content on the site in order to validate the information and in order to act as a sort of foil for them to find this sort of balance in between.

So I think that platformization will offer new opportunities to unlock value within some of that space, and it also will offer you opportunity to unlock value from your own corpus of content.

So I know, for instance, there's a lot of companies who have a lot of legacy content that's still on PDFs, for instance. It might be that you can use some of these LLMs, some of the things like custom GPTs, for instance, to unlock some of that content and to make that content more available for people who are using AI tools as search engines.
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