Trends 2022: Our thought leadership predictions for the year ahead
Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2024 4:29 am
to place their bets for the coming year.
In 2021, the world adjusted to new realities. Changes affecting how businesses operate are now well established, but there is still some uncertainty about how thought leadership and content strategies will be shaped in the months ahead.
Here, we hope to provide a bit more certainty by giving you our 10 thought leadership trends and themes to watch in 2022.
Sales collateral and marketing information are due for a revamp
It’s a B2B marketing truism that buyers can go through up to 70% of the purchasing journey without speaking to anyone from sales. It’s a statistic that predates the pandemic, and if the research were repeated today I suspect the percentage would be even higher.
Many economies are open and face-to-face meetings are possible, but B2B buyers and sellers have grown comfortable with a virtual model. Face-to-face sales meetings are now rare.
This means that marketers need to rethink the venezuela mobile phone numbers database role played by content in sales. There could be:
A shift to more digital, immersive and interactive content to increase engagement during virtual meetings
More webinars to build connections with key people
Content and thought leadership that supports the complete sales funnel – not just the awareness and brand-building part at the top.
thought leadership trends 2022
Source: 2022 Thought leadership Trends Webinar, hosted on 1st December 2021. Watch on demand here.
Companies will start considering a more diverse group of buyers
Producers of thought leadership usually have a single buyer in mind when producing content, and lead generation campaigns tend to be about the individual rather than the group.
We recommend broadening this approach and making sure you understand who else is in your buyer group, which can often comprise 10 individuals – or more. B2B purchasing is rarely a solo activity.
In 2021, the world adjusted to new realities. Changes affecting how businesses operate are now well established, but there is still some uncertainty about how thought leadership and content strategies will be shaped in the months ahead.
Here, we hope to provide a bit more certainty by giving you our 10 thought leadership trends and themes to watch in 2022.
Sales collateral and marketing information are due for a revamp
It’s a B2B marketing truism that buyers can go through up to 70% of the purchasing journey without speaking to anyone from sales. It’s a statistic that predates the pandemic, and if the research were repeated today I suspect the percentage would be even higher.
Many economies are open and face-to-face meetings are possible, but B2B buyers and sellers have grown comfortable with a virtual model. Face-to-face sales meetings are now rare.
This means that marketers need to rethink the venezuela mobile phone numbers database role played by content in sales. There could be:
A shift to more digital, immersive and interactive content to increase engagement during virtual meetings
More webinars to build connections with key people
Content and thought leadership that supports the complete sales funnel – not just the awareness and brand-building part at the top.
thought leadership trends 2022
Source: 2022 Thought leadership Trends Webinar, hosted on 1st December 2021. Watch on demand here.
Companies will start considering a more diverse group of buyers
Producers of thought leadership usually have a single buyer in mind when producing content, and lead generation campaigns tend to be about the individual rather than the group.
We recommend broadening this approach and making sure you understand who else is in your buyer group, which can often comprise 10 individuals – or more. B2B purchasing is rarely a solo activity.