Is Facebook Testing the Dislike Button?

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Is Facebook Testing the Dislike Button?

Post by jrine »

Facebook may be testing the “Dislike” button . Users of this social network have been asking for a way to show their dissatisfaction with news, posts or comments for some time. Well, it seems that it could be close…

But it's not a "Dislike" button for everything. What Zuckerberg's vast network is really testing is the "Downvote" button . This is a "negative vote" but only for comments that have been made on posts, and not to show disagreement with them.

Through this test, Facebook wants to weigh the importance of comments, so that the more “Downvotes” these comments have, the lower they will appear when viewing them.

As you know, Facebook pages currently allow you to see the comments that have been made on a post, sorted by relevance (most interactions) or by the most recent (new comments or those that have received new responses). With this new formula, it would no longer only count the interactions, but also their typology, leaving those with the most “Downvotes” for the end of the lists .

A short while ago, I told you japan telegram data about a new change in Facebook's policy, in which pages that asked for interaction were penalized . As all these changes and tests are done sequentially, the new "Downvote" button is only present in 5% of the accounts ; it is worth remembering that Facebook already has 2.129 million users .

Will the basic “Dislike” button be coming soon to social media ? Twitter is also clamoring for this button, there is even an unwritten law that says “RT does not mean content conformity” , a negative button would be enough to be on the safe side…
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