What is ROI and how to measure it in your advertising campaigns (with examples)

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What is ROI and how to measure it in your advertising campaigns (with examples)

Post by Abdur14 »

By Vicente Ramirez
ANDROI or Return On Investment is the return on investment of any advertising campaign . When we launch a campaign, whether online or offline, we need to know how users have responded to the campaign. The higher the sales thanks to our campaign, the higher the return on investment in terms of profitability.

You may have created an advertising campaign on an online search engine. Or maybe you prefer to use social media to reach your target audience . But are these advertising investments profitable? Do they meet the stated objectives? Today we explain the concept that can resolve all these doubts.

Why calculate ROI
How ROI is calculated
How to measure it in three steps
If you prefer a video explanation of what ROI is, and all the france number data debates surrounding it, you can watch it right here:

Why it is important to calculate ROI
There are many other metrics that can help us evaluate an online advertising campaign. We previously explained another one of them, the CTR . But there are also others such as likes , impressions, number of comments , etc. They are used to measure advertising campaigns in terms of exposure and visibility. The ROI therefore complements the other metrics and focuses on the costs and income of the campaign.

This is why ROI is a widely used metric. in the world of business and marketing in general.

Knowing what ROI is allows us to quantify economically whether or not our advertising campaign had the monetary success we were expecting from it and that was specified in the previous definition of objectives. In this way, ROI is responsible for showing us in detail how much each euro we have invested in the campaign has generated in sales.
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