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How OnlyFans works

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2025 4:14 am
by Abdur14
Influencers, musicians, actors, or famous faces who use the social network manage to generate income with this content, which they receive directly from their followers or from the pay-per-view function. And perhaps for this reason, it can be said that during the months of the pandemic OnlyFans went from 20 to 120 million registered users . Currently, the platform has about 240 million users .

You must be of legal age (over 18 years old) to register on Onlyfans , both as a creator and as a fan. In addition, to complete the registration, the person must be free of charges for sexual crimes and honduras number data ensure that in their country it is allowed to join and view the content of the platform.

Fans can create their account for free to follow people who post on the social network, but to access the content itself they must subscribe and pay a monthly fee set by the creator.

In addition to viewing content from creators, fans can also receive paid messages with premium photos or videos , as well as write private messages to make some personalized requests, and in both cases they have to make an additional outlay.