According to the infographic data released by Infosys, it can be seen that the combination of technological advances and the interactivity of advertising in this medium is favoring the Internet and disfavoring TV. Previously, TV was seen as the greatest source of repercussion for advertising and publicity, with companies investing fortunes to be in this space. The times considered “peak viewing times” were always the most competitive, and consequently the most expensive. Today, the Internet is more attractive for companies and offers a more positive return, since a large part of the population has access to it, whether through a computer, notebook, smartphone, tablet, etc.
Digital Advertising
With such a need to be in the digital world and reach email list usa consumers, printed newspapers, for example, are becoming digital. The number of people who read printed newspapers and see advertisements is decreasing more and more each day. Online banners are seen more than printed banners. It follows that everything that was previously seen only in print is now being seen virtually.

In 2016, things will be no different. Companies will continue to be increasingly concerned about the visibility and impact of their ads on the Internet. Investments will increase. Competition between advertisements and product/service advertisements will increase, and those that attract the most attention will win over consumers. And the trend for advertising is to increasingly be in the digital age, interacting with and attracting consumers.