The first most important competence is goal setting. General management, brand management or other management courses teach how to set goals. But no courses teach personal and corporate identification, defining the meaning of life and the meaning of the organization's work, creating a value system both in personal life and in the functioning of the enterprise.
How important is the competence of effective goal setting for a manager?
For this reason, a person may begin to experience singapore business email list a midlife crisis, when he begins to think about why he lives and what will remain after him, when he has already achieved a lot.
Regarding the company's work, Western specialists see the meaning of its actions in a certain mission. However, in Russia, the mission is often a formality created by hired image makers and posted on the organization's website. No one can even remember it, let alone voice it.
Such a mission does not promote motivation and is not a binding factor. It is impossible to implement a model of managerial competencies on its basis, aimed at setting motivating goals that can unite and ignite the team.
The most difficult task for the company's management is to organize the achievement of the tactical goals of the structural departments so that as a result the strategic objectives of the enterprise are achieved. But if neither the employees nor the manager know the strategic goals, then it is impossible to achieve them. Sometimes each top manager sees the strategic goals of the organization and the paths of its development in his own way. The lack of coordination and commonality of goals leads to the well-known situation of "the swan, the crayfish and the pike" arising in the company.
How important is the competence of effective goal setting for a manager?
If the organization's activities do not have a value basis, the formation of a corporate culture is not possible, since corporate culture is the organization's value system. It shows the uniqueness of the company and its perception of itself and others in the market and social environment and is manifested in behavior and relationships with market participants.
The meaning that corporate culture carries is the coincidence of the values of the personnel and the enterprise. This is not an end in itself and not something lofty, but it is evidence of the highest management skill, since when goals and values coincide, employees, in accordance with their values and in the name of achieving their own goals, will do everything for the growth of the company.
The company, for its part, will create the best conditions for personal growth and professional development of employees in order to achieve commercial goals.
The purpose of corporate culture is to make the company competitive and ensure its high profitability by creating an appropriate image and good reputation, as well as to improve management methods in order to increase employee loyalty to the manager and the decisions he makes and to create an attitude among the staff towards the company as a beloved home. Corporate culture is mainly influenced by the actions of the management. There is a proverb on this topic that says: "As is the priest, so is the parish."
That is, the first competence necessary for a manager is the ability to work with the values and objectives of the organization.
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Communication skills of a manager and work with key employees
The second most important competence of a manager is considered to be communicative competence. According to the data of the analysis of the daily work of company directors, they spend from 70 to 90% of their time on contacts with the company's employees, partners, etc. There is even an expression: "walking management". That is, all the activities of the director are based on communication.
This gives rise to two main difficulties in improving his communicative work. The first is to achieve completeness of interaction, ensuring its structure and controllability. The second is determined by the personal communication skills of the boss, his business communication skills, understanding of communication technologies and the ability to apply them in the right context.
Communication skills of a manager and work with key employees
That is, the communicative competencies of the organization's managers have two sides. The first is improving the effectiveness of communications management from the point of view of the business process of contacts between the enterprise and market participants.
The second is to improve personal communication skills, develop the ability to listen, persuade and influence the opponent.
The manager must have a good understanding of the structure of personal business communications - with which people and companies, why and how he needs to communicate. Often such questions, which seem elementary, prompt managers who came as listeners to business trainings to think and contribute to the creation of a personal system for managing interactions both inside and outside the company.
The development of a manager’s communicative competence assumes that the manager has sufficient knowledge in the field of psychology, which allows him to correctly understand the interlocutor, influence him, and not succumb to someone else’s influence.
In practice, it turns out that managers do not always adequately approach the implementation of communicative functions (including representative work). Some take over all business interactions themselves, while others delegate these responsibilities to subordinates.
This is explained by the fact that bosses, like all other people, belong to different psychological types, so what brings joy to some, brings serious inconvenience to others. It is clear that when a person feels discomfort, he or she tends to leave or minimize negative feelings and does not believe that communication, at least personal, plays an important role.
Because both cooperation and competition in a market environment are based on communications, a manager who tries to use business communications as little as possible in his work reduces the ability of his organization to compete with other players.
Communication skills of a manager and work with key employees
In this regard, the most correct approach is one that involves carefully developing the tactics and strategy of all interactions of the company, defining the objects of communication influence and identifying responsible performers.
A group of contacts is allocated, responsibility for which lies directly with the top manager; he delegates other communications, but at the same time constantly monitors them.
A set of communication activities is also formed, in which the participation of the top manager is required. All communications are divided into external and internal. External ones are the interaction of the manager with interested market participants (partners, consumers, competitive organizations, authorities).
They must necessarily be objects of strategic goal setting. Internal ones are communications within the company, reflecting horizontal and vertical interaction of management with employees.
For maximum efficiency and time-saving of the top manager, such processes should be regulated. For this purpose, the enterprise must first reach agreements on communications, and then create corporate standards on their basis.
It is possible to standardize the forms and methods of distributing assignments to employees, setting goals and objectives, setting deadlines for completing assignments and deadlines for conducting interim control. Often, during trainings, company employees complain that managers assign the execution of some urgent task at the very end of the working day.
The manager and employees waste a lot of time due to an unsettled system of organizing meetings. In order for communications within the company to be more effective, it is necessary to develop standards for the preparation and holding of such events and implement the use of modern information and communication technologies, such as the Skype program.