Other websites that are left behind after this update are Latiendahome (-14%) and Laoca (-11%), which have repeated their second consecutive update, decreasing their visibility.
Focusing on one of the most sensitive sectors for Google, the pharmaceutical sector , we find Arkopharma, with a visibility gain of 26% , Farmacia.bio (+14%) and Promofarma (+10%).
The last three positions in this sector belong to Naturitas (-30%), Sinplastico (-24%) and Dosfarma (-16%).
Generalist media sector
The media are always competing to be the first to hungary number data show the latest news, which is why if you open the search engine from today there are sure to be more chances that you will find PeriodistaDigital , DiariodeLeon or Meneame since they have increased their visibility on Google after their latest update with +34%, +21% and 21% respectively .
However, other media outlets have to lose visibility, in this case we find Diario16 which loses -31%, which repeats as a loser after the March 2023 update. The list is completed by Semana with -13% and Que.es with -11%.